wtorek, 13 stycznia 2009

Z tlumnego Dakaru * From crowdy Dakar

Greetings from Dakar!

The airport was horibble and the city... well... what to expect being in an African giant-city.

We failed calling to the people from Couchsurfing who invited us to their houses and found ourselves in a middle of the night in a very new country, on the continent we've never been to, sourrounded by people speeking different language(s).
During the flight we met some Italian missionaries and because of them - one pastor who stayed in Dakar for some time already. He insisted to pay for our hotel and left. Hope his God will bless him...

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Pozdrawiamy juz z Dakaru!
Lotnisko makabra, miasto... coz... jak to sie spodziewalysmy po afrykanskim wielkoludzie, ale z pomoca poznanego na lotnisku przez wlosko-francuskich misjonarzy pastora,wymienilysmy troszke pieniedzy, znalazlysmy bankomat i... nocujemy w jakims drogim hotelu... Pastor postanowil byc dzis naszym aniolem i uparl sie, ze nam zaplaci za ten luksus - niech go Jego Bog blogoslawi...

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