sobota, 13 lutego 2010


The language ruling happily in Dakar is just one - wolof, and official, much less in use, in French.
Buying whatever one should know prices very well, because everywhere there are lots of people who try to make them much bigger for strangers, even for this from the same tribes but other countries... And it's good to have lots of changes all the time, because some of the people here are happy to keep your changes (if you give bigger money than due) even when you do not agree for this...

Jezyk krolujacy w Dakarze jest jeden - wolof, a oficjalny, znacznie mniej uzywany i znany - francuski.
Przy zakupach trzeba bardzo dobrze znac ceny, bo na kazdym kroku miejscowi probuja podbic ceny, nie oszczedzajac nawet swoich pobratymcow, nawet z tych samych plemion, ale innych krajow... I najchetniej nie wydawaliby reszty, wiec dobrze miec duzo drobnych...

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